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GBCS - ABS Program
Paying members·1 student
Welcome to the group! You can connect with other students and faculty, get updates and review videos.
Group Rules
Respect one another
Everyone has a different point of view so feel free to respectfully disagree. Provide constructive feedback. No discrimination. Avoid offensive language. Please be kind and courteous at all times.Copyright infringement and trademark
Submit your own original work. Plagiarism & cheating are not tolerated. Properly cite all sources of information, including books, articles, online resources using APA format. Participate honestly.Responsible Posting
Posts & comments are to be relevant to the topic of discussion or the course content. Do not post spam, advertisements, or irrelevant links. Don't post content in in compliance with values of GBCS.Privacy and Confidentiality
Respect the privacy of fellow students & faculty. Do not share personal information without permission. Keep confidential information shared within the group private.Collaboration and Teamwork
Work collaboratively with your peers on group assignments and projects, contributing equally and supporting each other. Acknowledge and respect differing opinions and perspectives.Technical Etiquette
Use the online learning platform & communication tools responsibly & for their intended purposes. If you encounter technical issues, seek assistance from GBCS.Info
- Paying members
Only paying members can view group content.
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5 ਅਗਸਤ 2023
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